Language Disorders Disabilities and Learning

Pages: 7 Sources: 5 Topic: Teaching Document #: 98514559

Language Impairments: Evidence-Based Interventions Language Impairment Interventions Evidence-Based Interventions for Pediatric Language Impairments Evidence-Based Interventions for Pediatric Language Impairments So strong is the genetic impulse driving language acquisition that all children will learn to speak some form of language (Sousa, 2011, p. 28, 196). This fact suggests that the remaining question confronting children, parents, educators, and society is how well these skills are learned. Problems encountered along the way, however, can sometimes have a

Manifestation of Speech and Language Disorders in

Pages: 3 Sources: 1 Topic: Communication - Language Document #: 14321622

Manifestation of speech and language disorders in children with hearing impairment compared with children with specific language disorders" examined the relationship between language deficits among children with hearing impairment (HI) compared to those with specific language impairment (SLI). By studying the receptive language skills of 5 and 6-year-old children with HI and SLI the researchers concluded that the receptive language skills of children with HI were more impaired. They

Technology and Language Disorders Technology

Pages: 8 Sources: -9 Topic: Teaching Document #: 35224029

McKinley (2005) calls for the use of these varying technologies to give students with language disorders a sense of empowerment so they can then overcome their problem and learn as they are capable of learning. Technology has offered a means of treatment for very young children as well as for students, with the hope of bringing about beneficial change before these children lose their way in school. Cochran and Nelson

Speech Disorders Introduction and Definition

Pages: 3 Sources: 3 Topic: Children Document #: 36020358

Tips for Teaching or Working with a Child that has Childhood Apraxia of Speech According to Gretz (2005), research into effective methods for providing treatment to children with Apraxia is inadequate but in the professional literature a variety of techniques illustrated, including PROMPT method, Integral Stimulation, Adapted Cueing, Touch Cue, Melodic Intonation Therapy, Rate Control Therapy, etc., even though these therapeutic methods varies to some extent, they have shared characteristics that

Dysarthria Correcting a Speech Disorder

Pages: 5 Sources: 5 Topic: Communication Document #: 21173904

Ease up a range of motion, and foster muscle control. They are said to be used before or together with actual speech production treatment. The evaluation found that these methods and procedures are questionable in matters concerning the implied cause of developmental speech sound disorders, the neurophysiologic differences between the limbs and oral musculature, the development of new theories of movement and movement control, and the sparseness of research

Speech Pathology in Degenerative Central

Pages: 13 Sources: 9 Topic: Disease Document #: 9620493

For patients whose primary concern is a loss of language abilities due to loss of cognitive abilities therapies to help improve cognitive function will be combined with exercises that ask the patient to perform various language tasks. Speech and language therapy is only a small portion of the many different specialists that any patient with a CNS dysfunction will need. Aphasia Aphasia is the result of damage to the language centers of